Did You Know?
Every year, over 1.2 million students drop out of high school in the United States alone. That's a student every 26 seconds-or 7,000 a day. // (The Need | ElevateUSA, n.d.)
The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics shows that the unemployment rate of high school dropouts is 47% higher than graduates. // The Need | ElevateUSA. (n.d.).

What's The Deal With REALL?
The Reality Enrichment and Life Lessons (REALL) Simulation was created by Ozarks Area Community Action Corporation. This simulation is hands-on, designed to challenge youth to think critically about how choices and decisions made in adolescence may have consequences in adulthood. // (OACAC | Life Skills for Teens | Volunteer | Springfield MO, 2022a)
Simulation Breakdown
The REALL Simulation has two parts. The first part, the reactive life stage, lets participants experience the life of someone who made poor decisions during youth, with all simulated individuals having dropped out of high school, having some legal histories, and many seeking employment or have low paying jobs.
The second part of the simulation is the proactive life stage where youth are able to experience adulthood based on positive choices made during adolescence. All the simulated participants have graduated high school and chose to continue their education in some way which led them to be gainfully employed, earning a living wage. The participants get to experience saving month, less stress, and more. (OACAC | Life Skills for Teens | Volunteer | Springfield MO, 2022a)
Before the simulation begins, participants will need to sign in. Once signed in, participants will need to sit in a designated seat. These seats are essentially be each participant's "home" for the duration of the simulation.
Under each seat is a folder. This folder contains information about the life the participant will live throughout the duration of the simulation. There will be separate folders for the reactive portion of the simulation and the proactive portion of the simulation.
Once participants have completed both parts of the simulation, they will be broken down into smaller groups for debriefing. During the debriefing session, participants are encouraged to share their experiences from the simulation with their group. The debrief is guided, and each volunteer leading their debriefing session will have questions to ask the participants about their experience while doing the REALL Simulation.
This simulation lasts about two to three hours. This includes the introduction by the facilitator, both parts of the REALL simulation, and the debriefing.
Becoming A Volunteer
Becoming A Volunteer
Becoming A Volunteer
Becoming A Volunteer
The REALL simulation typically requires AT LEAST 17 volunteers, however, by design, 25 volunteers are optimal to ensure the most effective simulation experience.
Volunteers man the booths found around the room during the simulation. The booths are meant to represent different community resources such as the employment office, social services office, the bank, etc. Participants will want to get familiar with each of the booths as they go about figuring out how to navigate life in the simulation.
Experience is not required. All volunteers will undergo training prior to the simulation. During the training, volunteers will become familiar with their roles, checking to make sure that all required material is available at their individual booth. If there are any missing materials, not to worry, facilitators will be able to assist, making sure that replacement items are made available.
Looking to Host?
Are you thinking of hosting a REALL simulation? Don't worry. It's an easy process. Simply reach out to our agency!
Click here to complete the simulation inquiry form! Our coordinator will reach out to your organization and set up a meeting to determine when we are able to facilitate the simulation, as well as walk you through how to go about recruiting both volunteers and participants! Easy right?
If you aren't sure whether you're ready to host a simulation, check out our hosting check list here.
Harmony Grove High School REALL Follow-Along