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The 1990’s saw an emphasis on the consumer and the agency began to be more responsive to its various communities and their unique needs. The size of the Board was reduced to 15. An Employee Scholarship Program was implemented and an Internal Training Program component was created for the development of trained staff sensitive to the needs of CADC’s customers.


In 1996, the state asked CADC to be a caretaker for services in five South Arkansas counties: Union, Ouachita, Calhoun, Dallas, and Columbia. In 1997, the state again asked CADC to be a caretaker for the Head Start program in five East Arkansas counties: Cross, Crittenden, Lee, Woodruff, and St. Francis. 1998 saw CADC formally incorporated the five Southern counties into the organization, making the service area for CADC 10 counties in Central, West Central and South Arkansas. In March 1998, the state asked CADC to become caretaker for the Head Start, CSBG and other programs in Pulaski and Lonoke Counties. CADC chose to relinquish the Head Start program, but continued to provide the remaining programs to Pulaski and Lonoke counties.


In October 1999, CADC formally incorporated Pulaski and Lonoke Counties into the agency. The agency serves 12 counties with a large and diversified scope of programs promoting self-sufficiency for families in many areas. CADC administers the Emergency Food and Shelter National Board Program and serves as fiscal agent in some of its counties. Also in 1999, CADC became the fiscal agent for the Saline County TEA Coalition to hire and provide office space for the TEA Coalition Coordinator. CADC currently provides office space and other support for Saline County Habitat for Humanity.

Our Mission
Central Arkansas Development Council

321 Edison Avenue  Benton, AR 72015  Telephone (501) 315-1121

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